@leaderofthepacklv: Here is another example of how to use a prong collar correctly —based on the dog, the situation, and the way the dog is responding to the collar. Every dog is different and it’s important for anyone using a prong collar (or any training tool) to understand the correct way to handle and use these tools when working with their dog. It’s easy to assume that a larger dog would need way more pressure,force or stronger handling, but that’s not always the case. In addition to that, circumstances change things too. If Sumo (the St Bernard) were to lunge at a person or dog (and he has), the correction intensity would increase to match or overlap HIS intensity. Similar to Cora’s correction in the first video. What are your thoughts on prong collars and how it was used in this video? 🤔 #balanceddogtraining #rescuedog #packleader #prongcollar #prongcollarcorrection #stbernard #aggressivedog #reactivedog #dogpsychology #dogtraining101