@thebarefootsprinter: Skipping is a basic movement for athletes. You have to coordinate your arms and legs while you stay light on your feet. Though it seems simple, people forget how to do it! And that’s the beginning of getting stiff and immobile. But you can get it back. It’s an important step in being able to move like an athlete again. Want help fixing your feet to feel bouncy again? Hit the link in my bio to get my Functional Feet program. It’s the best foot fix program out there. And it’s free. - - - - - #feet #foot #footpain #athlete #barefoot #toes #footstrength #run #strongfeet #workout #training #exercise #Running #barefootsprinter #runner #barefeet #warmup #foottraining #foothealth #footexercises #prerunwarmup #skipchallenge