@nesha.vb: #dayinmylife • spend the day with me & Jor (from yesterday) we had a chill day then daddy got Jor out of the house! I got a minute of peace + quiet then got out to run by Ulta for a store pick up and to check out their holiday deals! For dinner I was craving a Taco Bell beefy 5 stay layer burrito so I made those at home and they were SO good! #MomsofTikTok #stayathomemom #blackmomsoftiktok #dayinthelifeofamom #toddlermomdayinthelife #ditlvlog #dailyvlog #blackmomdayinmylife #ditlofamom #ditltoddlermom #morningroutinewithbaby #toddlermomvlog #toddlerroutines stay at home mom day in my life with toddler realistic day in life stay at home mom black mom stay at home mom black women day in the life black girl day in the life of black working mom stay at home mom chinese day in the life how to afford to be a stay at home mom stay at home mom luxury Realistic Saturday vlog with kids Relatable day in my life as a mom Toddler mom routine vlog Spend the day with us daily vlog how to film a mom content vlog stay at home mom daily routine schedule alabama black mom ugc content creator birmingham influencer black family tiktok atlanta family influencer