@thekwendyhome: Here’s a hot tip for this Christmas season. Heat up your faux foliage with a blow dryer before you fluff them out! The heat will make the sprigs much more malleable and they stay put! (I find when I don’t use this trick, the stems are much harder to wrangle and they tend to bounce back into place) plus they are much easier to manage once they’re heated and pliable. And if you’re not fluffing your faux trees, wreaths and garlands you’re missing out. Your greenery will look more realistic and much fuller once you do this! I learned this tip from @Sophia Reay when I bought some faux wreaths and greenery from her a couple seasons ago. #christmas2023 #christmasdecor #tipsandtricks #holidaydecor #christmasdecorating #deckthehalls #holidaydecorating #homedecor #cozyhome #fauxtreehack #christmasgarlandhack #fauxgarland