@thebarefootsprinter: One of the best things you can do for stiff hips is to sit on the ground. Sounds simple, right? It is. Humans used to eat, sleep, and live close to the ground all the time. And now, we don’t. That’s part of why our hips get stiff. If you want to fix that, a great way to get started is to get back on the ground! I’ve done this every day for months now and it makes a big difference. I like to hug a ball for an added challenge but you don’t even need that. This is a great warmup or cooldown too! Bonus points if you’re barefoot and outside. Want to be an athlete again? Hit the link in my bio for a FREE 28 day foot, ankle, and lower leg program. - - - - - #athlete #athletic #mobility #backpain #glutes #hippain #kneepain #lowerbody #hips #feet #hipmobility #stiffhips #tighthamstrings #tightknees#tighthips #ITBand #itbandpain #itbandsyndrome #lateralkneepain #glutepain #piriformis #sciatica #hipstretch #hiprotation #footpain #weakfeet #stifffeet #foottraining