@nathanmorrismusic: 💔 Heartbreaking news. Brazilian influencer Luana Andrade, only 29 years old, tragically passed away after a cosmetic surgery. It's devastating to think that young people should have their whole lives ahead of them. Cosmetic surgery, something so common, yet it took someone so young. Sending all my love and condolences to Luana's family, fans, and followers. May you find comfort in this difficult time. Luana brought joy and inspiration to so many through her social media influence. May her memory live on forever. 🙏🏼 Have you followed Luana? Are you familiar with her? Let me know in the comments below. #RIP #LuanaAndrade #Influencer #BrazilianInfluencer #CosmeticSurgery #TragicLoss #Condolences #LoveAndSupport #ForeverInOurHearts #SocialMediaInfluence #RememberingLuana