@nathanmorrismusic: 💔 Remembering Tyler Christopher 💔 You may not realize it, but you know him! Tyler Christopher, the beloved actor from General Hospital, passed away on Halloween. Growing up, I remember the iconic introduction music of General Hospital and Days of Our Lives. Tyler was a frequent and notable actor on the show, and his loss has deeply affected diehard soap opera fans, as well as his fellow cast members and coworkers. Sending love and condolences to all who are mourning his loss. 🙏🏼💔 Do you remember General Hospital? Let me know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow for more updates. #TylerChristopher #GeneralHospital #SoapOpera #RIP #GoneTooSoon #RememberingTyler #IconicActor #DaysOfOurLives #SoapOperaFans #Mourning #Grieving #ForeverInOurHearts #FollowForMore