@vet.kubaletek: 🐶 Sock-Eating Puppy Alert! 🧦 In today’s reel, witness a puppy’s curiosity take a turn into a gastroscopy adventure. Our little explorer decided to snack on a sock, leading to a delicate retrieval mission. It’s a reminder for all pet parents: puppies explore the world with their mouths, so let’s keep hazardous items out of reach! Don’t worry, our adventurous pup is now safe and sound. Let’s make their world a safer place to explore! #PuppyMischief #VetProcedures #DogSafety #vetslife #vetnurse #vetnurselife #veterinarygastroscopy #vetclinic #vetstudygrsm #veterinarian #veterinarianlife #dvm #dvmlife #puppylife #poodle