@paige.koser: Father’s Day is quickly approaching! Here’s a great and easy craft to do with your kids as a sweet gift for dad, step dad or any father figure in their life!! 1. Print template (link in our bios) 2. Have kiddos color the top 3. Ask the questions and write their answers. This is the best part to hear what they will say! 4. Cut out the letters D and A from poster board. Have a photoshoot with your kiddos! 5. Print photos and glue photos/template to a piece of construction paper 6. OPTIONAL laminate it! Then you’re done! Now they have a keepsake to look back on! Follow @paigekoser and @alohasarahbenjamin for more motherhood content and easy craft ideas! #dayinthelifehomeschool #toddlercraft #diykidscrafts #fathersdaygifts #fathersday2023 #fathersdaygift #fathersdaygiftideas #fathersdaygiftidea #fathersdaycard #homeschoollife #homeschoolmama #homeschoolpreschool #homeschoolprek #craftsforkids #kidcrafts #kidswhocreate #momhacks #momhack #momhacks101 #waldorfcraft #momtip #momtips #floridamom #floridamoms #friendswhobecomefamily #summercrafts #summeractivitiesforkids #summeractivities #summeractivity #fathersdaycards