@abrahampiper: I mean, kids can be disappointing in all kinds of ways, but our deepest pain?? Maybe we need to recalibrate… #parenting #transgender #lgbtq #exfundie #exchristian #exvangelical
Abraham Piper
Region: US
Wednesday 22 November 2023 22:10:34 GMT
Mrs. H :
“You existing as yourself is not a source of pain.” 📢Say it louder
2023-11-25 00:19:10
itsjustmemv :
the way that you're helping undo the harm of your own upbringing is so powerful. thank you for bringing us along
2023-11-23 01:07:21
Andrea :
I could never ever see my children as my deepest pain. That’s just 💔🥺
2023-12-03 19:19:20
DollyPartonIsMyDad :
I disagree. Hear me out. I don’t have kids, but I imagine that when you’re a parent, the source of your child’s pain is also the source of your pain.
2023-11-27 20:04:55
Milarrow :
Transgenderism is an identity crisis. What happened to learning to accept yourself as you are?
2023-11-28 18:05:45
Shelley Burns :
Is it just me or is literally anything that happens in the world is “natural”. Like how could it happen if it wasn’t natural?
2023-11-24 21:01:25
kathrynmaria432 :
There's no such thing as a "transgender kid."
2024-02-22 21:14:58
Abuesahle 🇵🇸 🏳️🌈 :
Total non-sequitur but are you wearing 3 shirts
2023-11-23 16:32:33
lorelene_f01 :
Wait until they feel the pain when their child takes their own life because of how they’ve been treated by the people that are supposed to love them.
2023-11-30 07:03:03
Tim Garris :
Protect trans kids but my dude I can’t unsee that you’re wearing four layers indoors how cold is it there blink if you need heat.
2023-11-23 07:05:38
Spiked 🇨🇦 :
Gender fluidity, homosexuality etc are everywhere in nature, so wtf do they mean by unnatural??
2024-01-07 22:16:54
Jason Kerr :
Actually, their deepest pain is feeling so wretchedly not good enough that imagining an innocent child as even more wretched somehow soothes them.
2023-11-25 23:36:39
Everday Valkyrie :
it is unnatural. they are mourning the death of a fictionalized life for their child,while their real child lives.🥺🥺🥺
2023-11-25 17:18:01
cherbear :
As a parent of trans kids, quickly left church once they were out. My kids are my greatest joy. Wonderfully made. Thank you. ❤️🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
2023-11-24 06:33:58
24hourmama1 :
Thank you!! My trans son is my greatest joy! 🥰
2023-11-22 23:59:20
Yenracg :
Choosing religion over your own living breathing human child is unnatural. Failing as parents is an understatement
2023-11-22 22:58:04
Alora :
I lost a 30 year marriage because I chose to support my Trans daughter. The ex has no real relationship with her now. Eff him.
2023-11-23 00:03:07
Ishtar Ravensdottir :
thanks for the reminder. my mom said "I won't talk about it. I don't think it's a good thing." after I came out.
2023-11-22 22:17:13
Gorbash :
My deepest pain would be not being able to alleviate any pain my children might feel. Nothing else comes close.
2023-11-27 17:05:45
Stephen :
I know this wasn’t your intent. I’m recently divorced. The idea that I could be the source of someone’s happiness… I tears me up. Thank you!
2023-11-22 23:59:55
YetanotherJen :
My child SUFFERING is my deepest pain. Having to suppress their authentic self sounds like horrific suffering.
2023-11-24 03:17:10
Bee :
Anyone who says being trans is unnatural has clearly never studied nature. It’s queer AF.
2023-11-22 23:38:35
HallieSoFree :
I am my parent deepest pain. For getting a divorce. Cool.
2023-11-24 23:51:36
georgiatheresa :
I celebrate my transgender, autistic child. It is so disheartening how many people think they are a tragedy or hardship for me.
2023-11-22 22:36:33
Sharideth like Meredith :
My trans son is my greatest joy. He’s a gift.
2023-11-23 05:14:02
Kellynn :
That old school thought process just believed children are property that should represent their ideals. ew
2023-11-22 22:18:31
V :
I envy a life so easy where someone else's identity is the worst thing you deal with
2023-11-23 12:19:52
bearistotle00 :
My children are my deepest pain in my ass, but I'll be damned if that's ever because of who they are.
2023-11-23 10:43:57
Amy Butler :
I have felt that they seem to feel that way regardless of how their kids turn out. If you deviate at all from their vision for you it’s painful.
2023-11-27 22:42:50
Punkloozer :
*distracted by the painting behind you* it is amazing
2023-11-23 13:11:56
jess.wink_15 :
My child is the best part about my entire life 💕
2023-11-23 12:49:07
auspicious stone :
in dysfunctional families, kids don't get what they need from their parents, parents take what they need from their kids.
2023-11-24 01:13:58
Lightly :
Child: *exists* parent: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEE
2023-11-23 14:57:26
Roots Rednecks and Radicals :
Can’t say how glad I am to have left the cult of evangelicals. Honestly so much happier as a humanist.
2023-11-22 22:19:56
Dan Dresen689 :
happiness! JOY even!
2023-11-22 22:19:26
Arya Q :
I can be a source of happiness? That doesn't sound right. Imma sit with that one for a while
2023-12-14 19:16:35
Jetstream🇨🇦 :
Bold of you to assume the cultists have minds to be changed. Most don’t, that’s the whole point of indoctrination.
2023-12-11 02:25:15
Christina Kidd🍉 :
I'm so glad I was not this parent when my kid came out. but I knew since he was 5 I was justwaiti g for him to figure it out. I love him so much.
2023-11-24 18:31:24
wonderkrisp :
I got blocked by The Gospel Coalition today for calling bullshit on this article. 🤷🏻♂️
2023-11-23 04:32:24
Misselissanne :
Parents are so scared to let kids be themselves. Believe me, let them. Most parents care more about what others think.
2023-11-23 00:47:35
humanrace1to1 :
2023-12-05 02:16:11
𝕌𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕆𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣🦦📚 :
Please don't have children if you can't love them unconditionally.
2023-12-04 13:37:57
Greer Plastic Surgery :
My former church loved your father’s podcast. I love your videos. I don’t go to church anymore 😂
2023-11-30 19:25:36
jadzea :
the only time a child could be your deepest pain is if they pass before you, or maybe If they become a mass murderer I think that would break my heart
2023-11-26 23:36:49
emtingley :
2023-11-25 05:51:31
Jord :
Ok yes to everything you are saying. Love it. Deeply important message. But also, where did you get your glasses?
2023-11-25 01:33:41
virtual anthropologist :
good one
2023-11-24 01:22:14
Pax under Construction🇵🇸 :
I’m currently being my parent’s deepest pain completely apart from everyone but my dad. I’m a trans dude in George Floyd Square, Mpls.
2023-11-24 00:49:10
daughterofanarchy🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩 :
How can I send this to Elon?
2023-11-23 05:46:47
Mr. Fuzz :
Tweeting is unnatural
2023-11-23 03:38:12
Johno :
It has been well said, “religion poisons everything.”
2023-11-23 02:08:47
TamTam :
From a proud mom of a trans man, thank you for not being a douche!
2023-11-23 01:20:12
wags :
You are always a great source for insights .
2023-11-23 00:10:20
Tamie 🇨🇦⚜️ :
Deepest pain is not the worst thing. Losing my child or worrying that they might be hurt or are hurt is my worst pain. I'd rather lose a limb.
2024-01-15 14:12:17
Kate Flicks🎬🐍🕷️🔥🪃☀️🥩🐊🐏 :
Amongst all the farking injustice in the world THIS is their greatest pain? Ugh!
2024-01-11 06:23:19
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