@erinsternfitness: Master the Step Up exercise and BLAST those Quads! 🦵 Turn step ups into a quad-blasting exercise with a few quick tweaks... - Dorsi flex the foot on the rear leg - Lean forward - Think about pulling yourself up with the leg that’s on the box, rather than pushing off with the rear leg - Go sloooow What's your favorite quad exercises? Train hard! 💪 Let me know if you need help, ladies! (or you know what to do 🔗keep making progress!) #workouttipsforwomen #workoutsforwomen #womenwholift #womenwhoexercise #womenover40 #getfitwithme #erinstern #esfbuilt #fitnesstipsforwomen #womenshealth #womensfitness #fitnesstips #fitnesscoachforwomen #getfit #erinsternfit #workouttipsforbeginners #freeworkout #legworkoutforwomen #quadexercises