@coach.bluee: Push workout - Try out this functional workout What does your Training splits look like ??? Do you do “Push” days, “Pull” days??? I have been really enjoying lately the good old Push - Pull - Legs But I then do arms and shoulders the fourth day (Save this workout) 💙🙏🏽 The push-pull-legs training split is popular for several reasons: 1. Balanced muscle development: It targets all major muscle groups with specific focus on pushing, pulling, and leg exercises. 2. Efficient use of time: It allows for targeted workouts and shorter gym sessions. 3. Increased frequency: It enables more frequent training for each muscle group, which can aid in muscle growth and strength gains. 4. Recovery: By grouping muscle groups together, it allows for adequate rest and recovery between sessions. 5. Flexibility: It can be adapted to different goals and schedules, making it versatile. 6. Progressive overload: It allows for focused progressive overload on specific muscle groups. 7. Mental engagement: The structured but varied approach keeps workouts engaging.