@cast_iron_chris: This skillet went through: 1) electrolysis for buildup and rust removal 2) Evapo-Rust for further rust removal 3) scrubbed in between steps with grade 3 steel wool and @puracy soap. 4) Four rounds of seasoning with my Seasoning & Maintenance Compound. ➡️I had to switch e-tanks during the process to clean the anode in the blue tank. The line on the bottom of the skillet is not a crack, it’s a casting flaw called a ‘sand shift.’ #castiron #castironcooking #castironskillet #cooking #castironrestoration #castironseasoning #castironcleaning #howto #DIY #tutorial #upcycle #reuse #thrift #antique #vintage #fy #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #Butterpat #butterpatindustries #butterpatcastiron #castironchris