@takenapss: Gubmint Good, Rich People Bad I love seeing the perpetual victim class complaining about how wealthy people spend their money while totally ignoring how the bureaucracy they love squanders 1000x that amount and they don't bat an eye. Your "snack on the rich" type folk, your "everything should be free" and "pay your fair share" crowd will get mad at Lex Luthor for building a clock in a mountain with his own money, but can't wait to shower the bureaucracy in love and adoration for squandering pallets of your money on upside down puppetry theory in Uganda. They mindlessly feed into their master's playbook, pushing the idea that the entrepreneur and the capitalist is somehow bad, and the revolving door of serpents who extract their wealth, waste it and enrich themselves while ignoring their constituents are somehow the good guys. Make it make cents, Jack!