@drlorashahine: American Horror Story Season 12 is all about fertility and I’m loving it! Emma Roberts stars as Anna who is balancing her career as a movie star and Academy Award nomination with trying to become a Mom with IVF treatments Kim Kardashian stars as Anna’s ruthless PR representative who will do anything to help Anna get her Oscar but something is seems a little off… The show gets a lot right about IVF, trying to conceive, and miscarriage- but not everything Check out my YouTube playlist on Fertility in the Media for what TV and media does right and wrong about the fertility roller coaster ride. Have you watched this season of AHS yet? #americanhorrorstory #fertility #ttc #ivf #miscarriage #fertilityoutloud #ttccommunity #ttcsupport #ivfjourney #ivfcommunity #ahs #kimkardashian #emmaroberts