@nomadatoast: Create a viral YouTube automation project using this AI tool, in 5 easy steps to produce a gripping murder docuseries. ✏️Chat GPT prompt: “Read this article, find any more information on this case and article online, and create a dramatic story following an engaging storytelling structure for a dramatic narrator voiceover in the style of crime documentaries. Make the story have around 3000 words by complementing the factual events with dramatic made-up events describing the scenes in great detail. Give opinion on the event and link it to other world events. Here is the article: [enter article link]” @InVideo #youtubeautomation #AIVideoCreation #AIContentCreation #murderdocumentarys🍷😴🔪 #videoeditingtips #invideo #aitools #aivideoediting #VideoEditingMagic #AI #facelesschannel #aiautomation