@cravestacey1: Breast-feeding is hard when dealing with just one baby so just imagine my struggles with breast-feeding twins I’m figuring it out and I’m doing a damn good job at it. My babies are growing baby A is now 7 lbs. 2 oz. and Baby B is now 5 pounds so we are making progress and we are only three weeks old at this time When it comes to breast-feeding I would say take your time. It takes a lot of patience dealing with breast-feeding from getting your babies to latch to pumping to store in the milk it’s a lot mommies and if you’re doing it you’re doing a great job if you’re looking for remedies, try mines! #fyp #twins #craveandleek #explor #breastmilk #breastmilkstorage #family #twinpregnancyjourney #babiesoftiktok #emergencyroomtwins #twinpregnancy #blackmoms #birth #babies @leek_the_truth