@nico_essig: Dance Pop VOCAL SOUND First in chain use your favorite tuning pluggin i m using izotope nectar Fast attack speed gives you that pop sound you re looking for here. make sure you re in the right key! EQing carving out some lowmids around 350hz boosting adding hight with high shelf set to 16k Compressing a good amount with fast attack over 6:1 ration DeEssing you can go pretty hard with it that type of vocal can be a bit dirty Plate reverb as main reverb 1.2 sec decay 30ms pre delay Space “Marble Dome” as secondary reverb i like have this long reverb blended in low almost adds an extra vocal pad Echoboy For the Delay i m using a ping-pong to create some motion with a good amount of feedback “Studio Tape” Style Adding a DECAPITAOR to add that extra gritt using the “ModernDrive” preset as a starting point Making the sound a bit wider using Microshift on Heavy shift #mixingengineertips #musicproducer #nicoessig #mixing101 #vocalmixingtricks #protoolstutorials #masteringengineer #vocalchain #popvocals #vocalchain #dancevocal