once we get a quantum theory of gravity we'll know for sure. it's only a matter of time
2023-12-17 07:51:49
Mohamedamin :
God had mention it in Quran (wormhole) the angel jibril use that way when his coming with revaluation.
2024-01-04 07:22:10
Xtra SB :
could exist under certain conditions, but these conditions often involve exotic matter with negative energy density to keep the wormhole open
2023-12-16 15:40:03
d.i_l.l_i.g_a.f :
black holes are the thing that really blow my mind. matter cannot be destroyed so where does it go?
2023-12-17 21:39:16
peko-peko fluff :
just say I don't know
2023-12-16 04:41:35
Bacajesse :
I love Brian Cox 😎
2023-12-24 05:14:04
An :
Idk if Im wrong but its my theory, if we can somehow use space to connect a black hole and white hole then enter the black hole to go to the white hole but in the middle read more in comments