@jacobzemer: Join me as I hit a pull day at Madison Ave Strength Lab. I’m focusing on back and arms here emphasizing Lats, Biceps, and Triceps. This program is designed for real people, with real lives, who want real results. These are the exercises I do on pull day: 1️⃣ Single Arm Supinated Pull Down 3x8-10 2️⃣ Seated Cable Rows 3x8-10 3️⃣ Cable Lat Prayers 2x8-10 4️⃣ Standing Overhead Cable Curl 3x8x10 5️⃣ Incline Dumbbell Curl 2x8-10 6️⃣ Cross the Body Tricep Extension 4x15 Watch the full 20-minute video on my Youtube. You can click the link in my story or follow the LinkTree in my bio. Be sure to subscribe to my channel to continue seeing more of my long form content. #pullday #arms #Biceps #Triceps #workoutvids #workoutvideo #training #trainingtips #trainertips #fitnesstips #formtips #muscle #gains #hypertrophy #bodybuilding #personaltrainer #performancecoach #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam