@toddleprint: Welcome to toddleprint! ⭐️ ☺️ As a first time mom, I am constantly in awe of my toddler (currently 14 months). The way she sees the world and the creativity and joy that she brings inspired me to start a brand that would help me and other caregivers, nourish and develop her potential and see the world through her eyes. With our printables and other products, I hope you find new ways to play and interact to make life a little more fun and beautiful. 🌈 ✨ Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for more exiciting things to come! 💕Pearl @pearl.chao #montessoriprintables#montessorilife#lovevery#loveverybaby#theplaykits#montessori #montessoriathome #preschool #loveveryremix #sensoryplay #learningthroughplay #montessoriactivity #montessoritoddler #woodentoys #education #earlylearning #waldorfteaching #waldorf#preschoolactivities #handmade #playbasedlearning #montessorikids #parenting #toddleractivities #yearofthemother#play#etsyprintables#etsyseller#etsy#montessoriaesthetic#montessoridesign