@_amhara.culture_: Ye’Genna Chewata is a traditional Amhara game played during Christmas (Genna) in Ethiopia. It is very similar to modern-day field hockey. The origins of the game go back to the advent of Christianity in Ethiopia. According to legend upon hearing about the birth of Jesus Christ shepherds overcome with happiness started playing it by hitting their shepherds crooks. Genna is played in a wide-open field with two goal posts marked off at opposite sides of the field. It involves the use of curved wooden sticks called Genna and a wooden ball called Rur. The Genna stick is made of eucalyptus branches and rounded at the end. It is made slightly longer than the length of a player's shoulder. The Rur is made of tree roots and sometimes decorated to improve its visibility on the ground. To play Genna both team need at least 7 players, but not more than 10, with one of them being a goalkeeper. The game starts off with two players from the opposing teams crossing their sticks three time and then they fight over the ball. The purpose of the game is to keep the ball in the team’s possession, reach the opposing teams goal post, and score a goal. The game typically lasts a little over an hour (two 30 minute halves with a 10 minute break). In case of a tie there is 20 minutes of overtime allowed. After the game has concluded both teams sing and dance together to celebrate (not just the winning team). This is partially what the traditional song ‘Asina Gennaye’ is based on and why it is only sung on Genna. #amhara #amharaculture #amharatiktok #ethiopian_tik_tok #አማራ #አማራዬ💚💛❤አማራዬ💚💛❤ #ኢትዮጵያ #የእናንተገፅ