@brightly.eco: Not sure whether or not your wrapping paper is recyclable? Try the scrunch test! 🎁 Scrunch your wrapping paper into a ball. If stays scrunched, it’s probably pure paper and can be recycled. If it doesn’t stay in a ball and flattens back out or unfolds, it likely can’t be recycled. Remember, any wrapping paper that can’t be recycled can be repurposed! This season, open your gifts carefully so you can reuse the wrapping paper in the future. ♻️ #holidayhacks #giftwrap #giftwrapping #sustainableholiday #sustainable #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyholiday #lowwaste #upcycle #reuse #holidayseason #ecofriendly #reducereuserecycle #Sustainability #environment #gogreen #environmentallyfriendly #sustainablewrapping #wrappingpaper #recycling