@shecooks.healthy: How to grow MOONG SPROUTS AT HOME (IN WINTER SEASON) . People struggle to grow sprouts at home specially in winter season, it’s as easy as to grow sprouts in winters but yes, the No. of hours and days may differ. I have shared a detailed video on my YT channel “SHE COOKS HEALTHY”. Check out the same and make your own sprouts at home. #sprouts #moongdal #mungsprouts #sproutssalad #healthybreakfast #breakfastideas #breakfasttime #oilfree #oilfreerecipes #healthyrecipes #weightloss #weightlossgoals #caloriedeficit #weightwatchers #fatloss #vegetarian #vegetarianweightloss #highprotein #veganrecipes #glutenfree #reels #reelsinstagram #torontofoodie #lentils #tiktokfoodie #healthyfoodie #recipesforyou #foryourpage