@richellerrobinson: When used to purge negative energy, it is an extremely potent instrument. You can use it on yourself to cleanse before and after rituals and divination, as well as on your home by mixing it with water and using it in a spray bottle to freshen and cleanse the area. A great way to avoid nightmares in the bedroom and in love spells. #floridawater #diywitchcraft #spiritualtips #spiritualtiktok #cleanse #manifest #money #fyp #foryou #howtomakefloridawater #witchtokrising #witchtokspells #hoodoowitchtok #spiritualguide #manifestationcoach #witchguide #getcrackin #healingtouch47 #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #spiritualtiktok #spells #Relationship #witchtip #protectionspell #sprinklesprinkle #lovewitch #witchtok #hoodoo #howto #protectyourenergy #release #energy #cleanse #holywater #blessings #floridawatercologne #floridawatersoap #spiritualcleanse #cleaningtiktok #blackspirituality #spiritualcleanse #spirituality #stayprotected #spirituallifecoach #magic #enchanted #spiritualstore #spiritualshop #spiritualtiktok #manifest #blackwitch #manifest #manifestation #candlemagickforwitches #candlemagick #newmoonritual #hoodoowitchtok #crystalstore #spirtitualhealing #santeria #hoodoowitch #hoodoowitchtok #tarotreading #vodoo #jamaican #haitian #floridawatercologne #floridawater #floridawatersoap #aguaflorida #DoThe #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #spiritualtiktok #spiritualtok #ShareTheMagic #MyAncestryStory #viral #trending #xyzbca #fvo #fyp #foryourpage #viral #viralvideo #viraltiktok #woke #woketok #manifest #witch #witchtok #bruja #spirit #spiritual #spiritualtiktok #message #tarot #reader #psychic #medium #reader #witchtok #witch #pagan #hoodoo #hoodoos #roots #rootwork #evileye #evileyeprotection #protectionspell #witchesoftiktok #obeah #obeahman #obeahwoman