@shilaamzahofficial: 🎊 有有有,全民捞起!由Chek Hup 泽合赞助,这个农历新年家燕姐 @kayinsit 携手茜拉 为你带来全新的新年歌曲,陪你捞起捞出精彩人生 🥢🎵 2024年1月8号,和小编一起期待这首新年歌MV 🌟💥 捞啊,兴啊!捞啊,兴啊! 记得留守我们各大平台的官方帐号 😎更多精彩好康丰富奖品等着大家,千万别错过! 🎊 Toss away the ordinary because @kayinsit and shila amzah , powered by Chek Hup are bringing the Lou Hei vibes to life! 🥢🎵 January 8th, 2024, witness the birth of the ultimate Lunar New Year anthem that'll have you dancing into the Year of the Yo! 🌟💥 Get ready to elevate your Lou Hei game! Yo! Yo! Yo! There’s more! Exciting goodies and prizes awaits you, don’t miss it! Stay tuned to our various platforms. 📱FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552507299770 📸Instagram https://www.instagram.com/my_happyeveryday/ 📹YouTube @my_happyeveryday 🎵Tiktok @myhappyeveryday 📖XHS My Happy Everyday (ID: 9957993787) #YearofTheYo #YoYoYo #CNY2024 #ChineseNewYear #lunarnewyear #Reunion #gongxifacai #YearofDragon #angpao #lousang #MyHappyEveryday #MHE #ShilaAmzah #NancySit #ChekHup #KeepItReal #InfinitusFilmsMY #SunStrongEntertainment #WohooPictures #Pavilionhotelkl