@markus_marthaler: Important things to remember especially now: 1. Stop complaining and appreciate how lucky you are every single day to be alive and healthy 2. Embrace loneliness and reinvent yourself in that process 3. Say goodbye to people that don‘t bring positive energy into your life and pull you down with it 4. Take control of your thoughts! Remember whatever you grow in your garden will grow whether it is good or bad 5. Pick one skill you would like to cultivate and put all your effort into developing it 6. Stop living in the past, the future is ahead of you 7. Commit to every single goal you set and never look back 8. Sweat a little bit every single day to boost you mood 9. Most important fail forward, learn from every single mistake you make #swimming #tri#triathlonjourney #sufferfast #itsaswimmerthing #swimsmarter #swimmingaddict #swimtraining #triswimpics #schwimmen #swimsession #swimspiration #swimvenue #swimminggoals #swimmer #swimstrong