@paige.koser: Answering the number one question in my messages today. “I want to homeschool but I don’t know where to start” It’s easy! Ask your child what they want to learn! Then go from there! Get books at the library, watch YouTube videos, learn a new skill, go outside and observe nature. Just start small then begin your research! Homeschooling doesn’t have to be complicated. Today we’re working on our butterfly observation journal. I’ve linked our butterfly garden kit in my Amazon storefront under homeschool! #floridamom #homeschoolmom #homeschooldays #homeschoollifestyle #homeschoolmama #homeschoolpreschool #homeschoolprek #momhacks #momhack #momhacks101 #momtipsandtricks #outdoorchildhood #outdoorkidsarehappykids #thisisourhomeschool #homeschoolinspiration #unschoolinglife #unschoolers #unschoollife #unschoolingfamily #homesteadkids #homesteading #homesteader #homesteadliving #homesteadmama #floridainfluencer #worldschooling #worldschool #worldschoolers #familyblogger #worldschoolingfamily