@brightly.eco: Let’s normalize regifting over returning this holiday season! 🎁 UPS has unofficially named January 3rd National Returns Day. Nearly 1.5 million holiday packages get returned on this day alone. These returns create carbon emissions, and your returns don’t always make it back to the shelves. According to a 2018 report, about $390 billion worth of merchandise is returned each year in the U.S., sending about 5 billion pounds of waste to the landfill. Instead of sending unwanted or repeat items back to the store, try finding someone else who would appreciate it! #livebrightly #holidayhacks #regift #regifting #gifts #gifting #sustainableholiday #sustainable #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyholiday #lowwaste #upcycle #reuse #holidayseason #ecofriendly #reducereuserecycle #Sustainability #environment #environmentallyfriendly #secondhand