@drmarkmouw: Discover the secrets to a healthy neck as you age: 1️⃣ Keep Movement in Your Neck: Regular movement is essential to maintain neck health. 2️⃣ Ice Your Neck Before Bed: Icing reduces soft tissue swelling, a precursor to arthritis. 3️⃣ Maintain Proper Neck Curvatures: Your neck should have a proper curve, acting as a shock absorber for your spine. Unsure if you have the right curvature? Get it checked, and an X-ray can help with this. Maintaining neck health is crucial for overall wellbeing, especially as we age. #HealthyNeck #NeckCare #AgingWell #NeckMovement #IceTherapy #ArthritisPrevention #SpineHealth #CurvatureCare #XrayCheck #WellnessJourney #HealthTips #SelfCareRoutine #NerveAndDiscCenters #CouncilBluffs #CouncilBluffsBusiness #CouncilBluffsChiropractor #IowaBusiness #IowaChiropractor #councilbluffsiowa #DrMarkMouw #mouwchiropractic #chiropractic