@homeless.backpacker: Below 👇: A story of achievement, transition, maturation and maybe even farts. (Which I suppose contradicts the maturation thing) For me, 2023 was a year of growth and transformation. If you would have told me at the beginning of this year what I would go onto accomplish and create for myself, and how my lifestyle would have changed, I absolutely would not have believed you. For many years I had been avoiding building something for my future. I had been so lost in this travel life that my brain simply did not have space for anything else. About half way through 2023 I decided to finally take the leap and build myself a business that would sustain my lifestyle and dreams for many years to come. With this decision came a shift in lifestyle. Instead of FULL POWER travel (as I had been used to for the last 3-4 years), I had to learn to slow down. I had to re-learn my work ethic that once served me so well. And I had to be okay with spending the majority of my day inside, grinding, building, creating. This was the greatest decision I could have ever made because after 6 short months of “putting my head down” I now have a outlet to earn an income doing exactly what I love for the foreseeable future. Why was this the 4th best year of my life? Cause I really like to rank stuff and there were 3 years that I had more fun (2022, 2021, 2019). But consider that I’m almost 32, so 4 is really good still 😂. And now as a full blown travel content creator it is now my job to travel even MORE. And 2024 is gonna the year where everything comes together, and where this travel kicks up to a WHOLE new level. Lastly, I would like to personally apologize to anyone who read this whole caption looking for the part with the farts. Cause there was no part about it. #2023tiktok #2023inreview #bestyearever #selfgrowth #travellife #travelpage

Homeless Backpacker
Homeless Backpacker
Open In TikTok:
Region: PE
Tuesday 02 January 2024 04:58:06 GMT




elizabeth :
pls don’t leave me hanging, wdym farts ???
2024-01-03 07:08:50
puzzlednoodle :
2024-01-03 04:53:11
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