@coach.bluee: Arms with shoulders (Dumbbells only) Blow up your arms with this routine (Save this) My reasons for Combining arm and shoulder training in a single workout and it’s benefits 1. Saves time and increases efficiency. 2. Engages overlapping muscle groups for better results. 3. Fits well into split workout routines. 4. Adds variety to the workout regimen. 5* Big arms and shoulders will make you look more aesthetic especially if you don’t have a spall waist. It makes your waist look smaller. 3 Sets of each Rep range: 15 60-90 sec breaks in between sets Let’s build 💪🏽 #armworkout #armday #bicepworkout #bicepcurls #tricepsworkout #shoulderworkout #buildmuscle #workouttips #workoutmotivation