@dannagift: Relationships are some of our biggest teachers! Because the ones we decide to let in', it's natural that we become more vulnerable with them. We begin to allow our truest selves to be seen. With that, there's going to be a lot of uncomfortable feelings. Will they be ok with who I truly am? Will I scare them away? And when we're uncomfortable, there is resistance. Because there's an increased risk of pain. But I don't want people to be so fearful, because no matter what - there is always a lesson to be learned. We just have to choose to see the lessons. Love, learn, and learn to love again. Remember, keeping your heart open is the hardest thing to do - but it often the most rewarding. . . . #relationships #vulnerable #uncomfyquestions #learninglessons #relationshipadvice #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #reflect #takeresponsibility #choosegrowth