@henry.cavi1l: This charity does incredible work and it's very hard, but it's also very expensive to train people to house the animals here, to fund all the projects overseas. And the money doesn't just come out of nowhere. And so every little donation that anyone makes by word of mouth, by knowing about Darrell, by going to my social media and following links and stuff, any kind of interest which leads to a small donation of any sort makes a huge difference. And I also think Kal has just given me a connection to animals, which is unique in the sense that he's been my companion for 1/2 years. #henrycavill #henrycavillfanpage #henrycavilledit #henrycavilllove #ilovehenrycavill #henrycavillsuperman #henrycavillfans #henrycavillfan #henrycavillorg #henrycavillunofficial #henrycavillnews #henrycavillfandom #henrycavillart #henrycavillturkeyofficial #teamhenrycavill #henrycavilllatinfans #happybirthdayhenrycavill #henrycavilladdict #henrycavillisoursuperman #supermanhenrycavill #henrycavilledits #henrycaville #henrycavillfangirl #henrycavillissuperman #prettyhenrycavill #henrycavillmustache #henrycavillbrasil #fanpagehenrycavill #henrycavillandkalfans #henrycavillthewitcher #askhenrycavill #henrycavilllovers #henrycavillistheepitomeofmaleperfection #keephenrycavillassuperman #henrycavillsmoustache #henrycavillbirthday #henrycavillworld #henrycavillismysuperman #ihopeyouseethishenrycavill #henrycavillinparis