@z3ynp_xx: Todays been a hard day, and i wanted to share this to remind everyone going through any struggles that youre not alone. Mental health disorders can be so hard and it can convince you to believe so many bad things that our disorders input into our minds and in the moment we cant seem to get out of those thoughts and they may even last for ages. But i promise you will heal and asking for help is something we should consider. Be kind to yourselves and try to remind yourself its only temporary. Much love Zey #MentalHealth #anxiety #ocd #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealthAwareness #demilovato #anyone #demilovatoanyone #intrusivethoughts #ocdproblems #ocdawareness #depression #bpd #trauma #adhd #Love #healing #positivity #positivequotes #strong #staystrong #fyp #fyp #fyp #musician #singer #cover #demilovatoanyone