@paige.koser: Why do we like to watch peoples day in the life videos? I find them so interesting! Do you? I attempted my own first one today! I was going to capture the whole day then stopped at 5pm. Here’s my 5am-5pm as a stay at home/ working mom who homeschools and has three littles. My kids are 5,2 and 1 years old! Everyday is literally completely different for us. Today was dentist appts and produce stands plus on Wednesday’s we have a sitter who takes the boys so I can work!! If you like these, please let me know! Follow for more motherhood content! #floridamom #homeschoolmom #homeschoollifestyle #homeschoolmama #homeschoolpreschool #homeschoolprek #momhacks #momhack #momhacks101 #momtipsandtricks #thisisourhomeschool #homeschoolinspiration #unschoolinglife #unschoolers #unschoollife #unschoolingfamily #floridainfluencer #dayinthelife #dayinmylife #familyblogger #ditl #workfromhomemom #workfromhomemoms #workfromhomemommy #sahm #sahmomlife #stayathomemomlife #stayathomemom #stayathomemoms #mominspiration