@bigmamadfromnyc: Does anyone else live this way or am I crazy?? I definitely want to subside this stress in my 3rd trimester but we’re not off to a great start 😭 #pregnanttiktok #babykicks #thirdtrimester #28weekspregnant
YES. 24 weeks and I have an anterior placenta and yesterday she didn’t kick that often and I was STRESSED.
2024-01-18 17:19:45
Sarah :
What are the bubbles like ?!?
2024-01-30 01:19:54
🧿Shona🧿 :
you are not alone in 25 weeks my baby kicks only when I lay down but the anxiety is always there... take it easy ...
2024-04-15 16:24:14
pomrade :
You put it into words! Second trimester movement is exciting. Third trimester is just panicking in between each movement
2024-01-18 01:11:34
Paris | Skincare•Lifestyle•FTM :
I was literally up at 3 in the morning for an hour because I couldn’t remember when I felt him kick last.
2024-01-17 21:31:42
pepbtc :
My daughter is DESTROYING me inside, but I’m weirdly grateful (?), bc it’s some kind of assurance that she’s alive. 😅
2024-01-19 14:01:36
Ericathemom :
Fourth baby and 32w. I don’t like the whole count the kicks thing it’s always caused me stress so I just learn baby’s routine and keep up with that
2024-01-17 20:13:43
Gbdmott :
Nope q
2024-01-17 20:09:03
first pregnancy I got a Doppler and it saved me from being panicked
2024-04-09 11:02:12
anna.annnnna.anna :
28 weeks, I asked my midwife about counting and she said to not do that as it will only cause stress and anxiety. She said “you know your baby’s pattern and you’ll know if something’s wrong. 1/2
2024-01-19 21:43:39
shakirachante :
I’m 23 weeks nearly 24 weeks and I don’t feel any thing, so stressful
2024-01-20 09:57:11
Kass :
I am really bad at getting too distracted to notice kicks, then have a wee panic because I can't remember when I last felt him.
Or then there's the 3am googling because he is moving so much that I...
2024-01-17 21:05:27
Amen 😭😭😭😭 in my third rn and my anxiety is 📈📈📈
2024-01-17 22:38:51
alesha jade :
already been to the maternity ward twice for reduced movements… he kicked immediately in the waiting room / when being monitored.. 🙃
2024-01-18 22:36:19
Megan Thompson :
I don’t worry about kick counting. I know his patterns well enough to know if something is off. He doesn’t need to kick all the time to feel relieved
2024-01-20 00:35:37
Xenia :
This is me and it’s so hard with anterior placenta you may feel less so I’m always like hello! I think as someone with early complications and
2024-01-18 01:30:46
Marie-Ange Rahir :
this is it. be brave! I don't monitor the kicks at all times. I noticed there was a schedule! if he's not kicking on schedule, then only I go and drink some juice and wait for the abuse to start.
2024-01-19 08:09:58
Lily baileyy :
Exactly this!! My son doesn’t have a routine and his kicks have been weak and very quiet this week, been monitored and the midwife is not worried -
2024-01-19 16:52:52
Tash :
I'm 19 weeks and eagerly waiting to feel those first kicks, but also taking in these moments before the panic sets in and doesn't go away 😂
2024-01-30 12:10:06
fabiolaarayamay78 :
I’m 30 weeks, it’s been 2 weeks that she kicks less during the weekends and I stress so much😩 but Monday she’s back in crazy kick mode 😅
2024-01-31 21:43:44
Nicole Candice 🌻 :
My baby started moving at 12 weeks, currently 35 and shes having a party in there.... The pain 😔
2024-01-29 05:10:11
Biscuit :
Yes! And now that I’m 35 weeks, I’m constantly worried that my water is leaking and I’m not going to catch it.
2024-01-26 16:52:57
Noone_1_23 :
Omg I been feeling these bubbles (week 13) and I thought my stomach was having spasms 🥺
2024-01-18 22:29:53
NE Girly :
Kick counts were so anxiety inducing for me 🥺
2024-01-18 00:41:28
Kayla Wagoner :
Me 26 weeks 3 days today. Literally went home from work to lay down and kick count because I hadn’t felt her
2024-01-17 21:08:24
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