@carl_crusher: BEFORE Area 51, Before Roswell, Before Skinwalker Ranch there was archaeological digging for an UFO 🛸 that was seen by Nellis AFB pilots in the 1940s flying inside @Mount Wilson Ranch as if to hide. Ancient artifacts are everywhere, old mining groups, Howard Hughes built a runway, the MX Missile program was here. Then Reagan’s Star Wars paid a visit along with owner @bigelowspace @bigelowinstitute who told @jeffmacb “There is an alien base under that mountain” before selling him the property to buy @skinwalker_ranch A year before Roswell in 1946 something was discovered at Mt Wilson that is connected like a thread through the entire secret UFO recovery program history. . #history #skinwalker #nevada #ufo #roswell #ufocrash #ufofiles #ufohistory #ancient #artifacts #ancienthistory #mtwilson #mtwilsonranch