@sachistorymuseum: If you watch this and like our videos, then we are very FONT of you! We have a great card available to go along with a Valentine’s Day gift. The text used is all individual letters of type that has been locked in the chase. Top and bottom line is 36 point Stymie Black font and reads “I’m very___of you!” The word “FONT” is set in the following 48 point typefaces from left to right: Rimmed Black, Cheltenham Bold, Cloister Drop Letter, and Caslon Openface. The back of the card includes an image of a Washington hand press and the words “Printed at the Sacramento History Museum.” This card and other cards are available in our Museum Store! This was letterpress printed in a mix of rhodamine red and opaque white rubber base ink using a 3x5 Kelsey Excelsior tabletop printing press. #SacHistoryMuseum #ValentinesDay #valentinecards #greetingcard #typography #art #museumtok #letterpress #asmr #printing