@canaemaruedes: Name: Yanto ability: expert in sword arts , elemental power water,fire, wind, earth, lightning, ice,leaf age. : 25 background story : Yanto was a swordsman of the Wind Clan, one of the seven clans that wielded the power of the elements. He was gifted with the rare ability to control not only wind, but also water, fire, earth, lightning, ice, and leaves. He was admired and respected by his peers, but he felt lonely and restless. He longed for something more than his clan duties and trainingOne day, he met Rama, a prince of the Fire Clan, who was visiting the Wind Clan as a diplomatic envoy. Rama was handsome, charming, and charismatic. He captivated Yanto with his fiery spirit and warm smile. Yanto felt a spark of attraction that he had never felt before. He wanted to get to know Rama better, and to his delight, Rama seemed to share his interest. They spent many days together, exploring the Wind Clan's territory, exchanging stories and jokes, and practicing their elemental skills. Yanto felt happy and alive when he was with Rama. He felt a connection that transcended their clan differences and their elemental affinities. He realized that he was falling in love with Rama, and he hoped that Rama felt the same way. But their happiness was short-lived. A war broke out between the Fire Clan and the Water Clan, and the other clans were forced to take sides. The Wind Clan allied with the Water Clan, while the Earth Clan, the Lightning Clan, and the Ice Clan supported the Fire Clan. The Leaf Clan remained neutral, but they were caught in the crossfire. Yanto and Rama were torn apart by the conflict. They had to fight against each other, as their clans demanded. They tried to avoid each other on the battlefield, but fate was cruel. They met face to face, swords drawn, flames and gusts clashing. They stared into each other's eyes, and saw the pain and regret that mirrored their own. They couldn't bring themselves to hurt each other, but they couldn't betray their clans either. They dropped their weapons, and embraced each other, knowing that it might be their last. They whispered their love and their apologies, and kissed each other goodbye. Then they parted ways, hoping that one day, they would meet again, in a world where they could be together.#originalcharacter #oc #originalcharacterart #aioc

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Sunday 21 January 2024 04:25:02 GMT




𝐿𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓁𝓉𝓎 :
hai yan🥺
2024-01-23 02:38:09
𝕾 :
bikin ai kek gmi gmn
2024-01-21 07:36:14
Milk :
ajarin dong thor cara buatnya gimana
2024-01-21 16:00:40
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