@dalia.dancer: The shimmy walk builds on the 3/4 shimmy by adding a hip twist. The 3/4 shimmy = Hagalla. The walk = Algerian twist. In this tutorial, I break down how I do the Hagalla + then build up to the Algerian twist. These are NOT beginner bellydance moves - it’s more intermediate/advanced but I’ve gotten a few requests for it so here they are! If you are struggling to get this, don’t feel bad bc it is very difficult to do correctly. It takes a lot of practice at slow tempo before you develop the muscle memory to go fast + not lose control. Adding the Algerian twist is even harder so I recommend practicing the Hagalla at a slow pace for a while. Really drill it for a long time before speeding up - I promise it gets easier💥🙏🏼❤️💃🏻 P.S. you can fudge this by shimmying your hips as you take small steps forward. It’s not quite right but who cares if you’re close enough! 😁 #bellydancetutorial #shimmywalk #shimmytutorial #hagalla #hagallatutorial #algeriantwist #domdom #learnbellydance #rakssharki #rakssharqui #mahmoudelesseily #arabicsong #egyptianmove