@tyronesmusic1: Our Tabots are models (replicas) of the 10 Commandments, they symbolize the Ark of the Covenant and the tablets of the Law, which Moses received on Mount Sinai. Each Church has an Ark and Tabot. During Timket, our Priests carry the Tabots of each church in procession to where the next day's celebration will take place. Although Ethiopia was never colonized, many Tabots were looted and stolen by British soldiers during the 1868 Expedition to Abyssinia, also known as the Battle of Magdala. Ancient Tabots were discovered in the storage of St John's Episcopal Protestant Church in Edinburgh, Scotland. Other ancient Tabot's were being sold at an auction in London. Continuing the long history of European's looting and robbing our African beautiful artifacts. #exprotestant #exevangelical #cushite #ancientchurch #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #ancientchurch #tabots #fba #africanamerican #stolenartifacts #timket