@thebarefootsprinter: If your hips are talking to you, they need some love. I know this seems way too simple, but I’ve found that small hip circles are super effective for fixing this. By laying down you make the movement easier. And then you can focus on smooth circling with each leg. Add in variation to get lots of motion to the hips. You’ll feel when you get too close to a pop or snap. That means you’re not ready for that range yet. Get 50 circles each direction as a warmup before lifting or running. Or do this for fun to break up desk sitting. You’ll feel better right away. It’ll take longer for the hip to get strong and mobile enough to fully stop popping. But you’ll get there. And yes, some hips are weird. So this might not work for everyone. But don’t knock it til you try it! Want more help improve your mobility and getting out of pain? Hit the link in my bio for my FREE 6 week Athletic Foundation program to reset your body. - - - - - #athlete #athletic #hips #feet #footpain #hippain #hipmobility #hips #stiffhips #tighthips #hippopping #hipsnapping #warmup #squats #hipmobilityexercise #backpain #hipflexorstrain #groin #adductor #groinstrain