it might take me 5 minutes to find a shorted wire or it might take me 5 hours it literally just depends also what breaks during removal of parts etc
2024-01-26 03:26:17
cowhand3232 :
U forgot how long it takes to get parts.
2024-01-26 05:47:57
Alex Kirkner :
Heavy tech on coach busses I understand and fully support the “it depends” having to have half the bus apart to get to the 3 month back ordered part is taxing. Embracing the suck has become the norm.
2024-03-29 23:43:27
Oldschool7.3 :
I was wondering did you go to a trade school for diesel techinican or did you start wrenching and learning on the job. What is your opinion?
2024-01-26 03:39:10
Tj payne :
Not to mention diagnostics time. Especially if it's a new unit, under warranty, or a weird concern that won't duplicate consistently
2024-01-28 03:45:56
Coby_Fenn👑 :
We got a rule in our shop If and when we can we’ll find out what’s wrongs and parts will be a while it’ll get thrown together to make it mobile or tow
2024-01-26 22:55:42
Jesse Saunders :
100% man depends on how much is broken, how fast I can get parts and what the repair is in the first place. Some are in and out others are a patience game. All I can guarantee is I can fix it.
2024-01-27 05:23:21
dolsen257 :
Personally I’ve never waited more then 2 days and we get most of our parts from Palmer trucks on the west side 1/2
2024-03-21 04:02:45
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