@dovecottage: Simple habits I use to keep on top of clutter 💪🏻 It’s a never ending job 🙈 But there are a few things I’ve been trying to do to help keep things tidy and clutter free 🙌🏻 📦 Have a ‘donate box’ somewhere in your home, and pop things in as soon as you no longer need them. For example, whenever I come across kids clothes we’ve grown out I pop them straight in here 🙌🏻 You could even challenge yourself to add one thing a day for a whole week 💪🏻 Use simple organisational systems inside your furniture/storage to make tidying up quicker & easier - I love these storage tubs which fit inside most of my drawers 🙌🏻 🏺Before you buy anything think about where it’s going to live in your home. If you don’t have space, consider whether you want to buy it. Not possible for every purchase, but works well for decorative items. Once your storage is organised you’ll know straight away if you’ve got space for that new vase (spoiler: I definitely don’t 😂) 👟Whilst it’s nice to have things stored out of sight, be realistic about what you use everyday, and add easily accessible storage instead 🙌🏻 For example, our shoes are hidden away, but in the hallway cupboard meaning it’s still close to hand #organizedhome #homeorganisation #homestorage #smallhome #organizedliving

Sam ☀️Small home inspo
Sam ☀️Small home inspo
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Monday 29 January 2024 08:33:59 GMT




✨Madi Rae✨ :
Love these!!
2024-01-31 17:47:02
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