@paige.koser: Why do we take adventure days in our homeschool journey? 1. Bonding: Adventures create lasting memories and strong emotional bonds between parents and children. 2. Learning: Exploration and new experiences foster curiosity, problem-solving skills, and a love for learning. On our adventure days we don’t do a formal lesson and we learn all through unschooling. 3. Social skills: Adventures provide opportunities for kids to interact with others, enhancing their social development. Plus gives mama time to actually connect and talk with her friends too! 4. Health and fitness: Outdoor adventures encourage physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle. 5. Confidence: Overcoming challenges during adventures boosts a child’s self-esteem and confidence. 6. Appreciation of nature: Exploring the outdoors can instill an appreciation for the environment and conservation. 7. Quality time: Adventures offer a break from daily routines and allow for quality family time. 8. Growth: It gets EVERYONE out of their comfort zone! When you get out of your comfort zone that’s when you grow. Taking adventure with your kids is daunting and scary sometimes. (Trust me, I know!!!) I went through a good year of battling anxiety issues and am finally ready to get back to these adventures. My biggest tips and tricks are to start small, meet up with someone else, bring lots of snacks and water, have patience and give yourself grace. Follow for more homeschool motherhood content. #floridamom #homeschoolmom #homeschooldays #homeschoollifestyle #homeschoolmama #homeschoolpreschool #homeschoolprek #momhacks #momhack #momhacks101 #momtipsandtricks #outdoorchildhood #outdoorkidsarehappykids #thisisourhomeschool #homeschoolinspiration #unschoolinglife #unschoolers #unschoollife #unschoolingfamily #homesteadkids #homesteading #homesteader #homesteadliving #homesteadmama #floridainfluencer #worldschooling #worldschool #worldschoolers #familyblogger #worldschoolingfamily