@lohannysant: I grew up being told that if I get good grades and get a good education that I will succeed. I did just that and I am surprised about the reality of life. Its real out here! We are in this together. THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!!!!! I have so much gratitude for all of you. You are all making my dreams come true. Thank you from the heart. #nyc #firstgeneration #latinx
The society is so sad. You’re taught to go to college but even with that you can’t get a job based on what you went to school for
2024-01-31 03:04:21
Krista Lauren Martin :
Translating jobs!! If you know three languages you could definitely find a job. WFH jobs too!
2024-01-31 03:03:32
Nico :
Not going to lie if I spoke fluent Portuguese I would 100% move to Portugal
2024-01-31 04:31:52
applied for over 600 jobs in 2023 in nyc… got 5 interviews and 0 offers lol 🥲 ur tiktok is ur greatest strength rn - apply for social media roles!!
2024-01-31 03:03:52
Amanda :
You got this we are all rooting for you!
2024-01-31 03:05:38
xel_xo :
No bc I feel u girl I’m 26 and terrified
2024-01-31 04:47:07
Cynᵕ̈ :
A bachelors feels equivalent to a high school diploma and seeing that feeling manifest after graduating is so disappointing🥹wishing us the best🫶🏽
2024-01-31 07:55:04
Lydia! • Following :
the american dream is really just a nightmare
2024-01-31 23:02:49
Ashley Solis :
I definitely thought I’d be further too. I couldn’t find a job with degree, first gen, 4.0 without needing SO much experience
2024-01-31 03:19:29
bagofattention :
rejection is protection, you’re being guided to your ideal career
2024-01-31 13:56:06
Chad Harlow :
You will do fine. Keep fighting the good fight.
2024-02-08 03:12:49
skindee :
it’s the american nightmare
2024-02-02 04:36:31
Joel E.P. Dr_per :
I found it so hard and demotivating to find a job. It was just…god. I could go on about this forever. I relate to you so much, I’m sorry.
2024-02-02 00:23:37
scoobiedmate :
I’m also the first graduate in my family, and also struggled to find a job. Evidently, uni/college ain’t all that glamorous
2024-02-02 06:36:29
sarah | health + fitness coach :
Girl, I’m on the same boat! I went to college, thinking that I would be super successful in finding a job, but it’s a false story we have been given!
2024-02-01 02:14:03
meowbowow28 :
choosing acting as a major was not a waste, it was a brave choice full of optimism !
2024-02-01 23:45:30
aussiebird92 :
this aged beautifully. we are all so proud of you and how far you've come..you have smashed your goals and just keep going ❤️inspiring stuff!
2025-02-06 00:31:59
T :
Biggest mistake people make is thinking that what got them to where they’re at will get them to the next level… you actually thought all you need is the degree… best actors are sales people who actually want to make money
2024-09-30 15:23:27
Emylie Janis :
Amg vc é a primeira br que me engana nesse site!! achei que vc era gringa. Boa sorte e muito sucesso pra você, é difícil mesmo, mas você vai conseguir
2024-01-31 03:20:52
gracica07 :
Have you applied to NYS or City jobs? Your language skillset is a huge asset.
2024-01-31 03:00:58
úrzula :
la realidad es que cuando dicen ve a la universidad la clave es “make connections”’sólo así se puede :(
2024-01-31 04:30:53
Katie :
Executive assistant is an underrated job. Look for those positions in industries you want to work in. Good pay and opp to make connections!!
2024-01-31 04:14:58
Blackbird :
I speak 5 languages nobody has ever cared😅😭. Sorry u have to go through this. Keep swimming❤️
2024-01-31 03:22:40
Giselle 🧸✨☁️ :
Pray to God He is our helper 🫶🏼
2024-01-31 03:54:21
Bruno 🏺 :
BR sempre dá um jeito. vai dar tudo certo 😁
2024-01-31 03:51:06
viaemail05 :
Move to a different state
2024-01-31 05:26:41
brubruuuss :
2024-01-31 19:59:32
Keeping Myself Alive Podcast :
Society has failed us and it’s not our fault. You’re doing amazing. ❤️
2024-02-01 00:47:08
☆angel☆ :
The thing is life is too short to not do the things you love, so if you saying that you enjoyed majoring in acting then in the end it’s worth it
2024-01-31 06:05:49
Hope you make it, I really do, I’m following and reposting everything I find coming from you
2024-01-31 04:49:06
Luiz Cruella :
Amiga tô na msm, acabei de terminar meu Doutorado e tô mandando currículo para ser vendedor de loja. E recebendo não todo dia.
2024-01-31 13:00:36
Leo Rodcha2 :
Have you thouht getting married and stay home helping your couple?
2024-01-31 04:16:36
rll :
Apply for HR and corporate positions. There are SO many roles that benefit from theater majors in corporate. Message ppl on LinkedIn!
2024-01-31 03:15:13
🍉Cara State of Mind🍉 :
a trilingual queen 💅🏽 you got this!
2024-01-31 05:01:58
Rebecca 🍉 🇵🇸🇨🇩 :
Never let someone make you feel bad about what you studied. There is value in every subject. It’s just that life has become largely unaffordable. It’s hard even for those with Masters degrees.
2024-01-31 21:23:21
Esther :
Have you heard of God? He says he dresses the lilys and feeds the bird. He will provide for you
2024-01-31 04:29:22
Ella Madison :
Have you tried going onto LinkedIn, filtering to a list of people from your college and majors and messaging them? Maybe through networking you can
2024-01-31 12:48:49
mhdydk :
these days companies hire experienced people than education I think
2024-01-31 03:30:08
Facu :
haz un vídeo hablando español jsjs
2024-01-31 13:21:28
sonali 🧸 :
You chose amazing majors! Now you always have that acting training to audition and then communications you can get a job in any field!
2024-01-31 05:20:17
An*a :
Are you brazilian????
2024-01-31 17:49:40
Down Town :
Girl! Translating Portuguese will make you $71,000 are year!!! 😳
2024-01-31 16:38:16
let cia :
Amg é o linkedin? Eu só consigo por lá
2024-01-31 15:46:56
Carol Donato :
Passadaaaa que você é a primeira pessoa que eu não vi nenhum vestígio de sotaque BR no inglês!
2024-01-31 15:23:51
anseibag :
Garota, estou torcendo demais por vc ❤️
2024-01-31 10:33:50
lola :
o nome da mina eh lohanny e vcs mdss nao sabia que vc era brazilian be fr
2024-01-31 16:22:30
Stephanie :
Have you considered looking for jobs at universities / community colleges around you! Theres always job postings for non-faculty jobs!
2024-01-31 14:35:05
Mentes Estoicas :
Não foca no que pode acontecer, foca no que acontece de fato a cada dia. Você está no caminho certo, e já está resolvendo seus desafios construindo seu caráter com determinação e persistência.
2024-01-31 11:25:01
ann555 :
just starting college makes me loose hope,feel like wont have much in the future anyway in my late 20s🤘
2024-01-31 20:28:09
Anika :
I’ve heard baby sitting is a good option for aspiring actors in nyc. Schedule is flexible so you have time to audition for roles.
2024-01-31 14:19:44
Bball mommy :
Degree alone doesn’t determine success. Did you have internships in college? Can you leverage your connections for open doors?
2024-01-31 18:59:12
Teddi :
On one hand, I’m glad it’s not just me, but on the other, I’m terrified for all of us.
2024-01-31 14:46:25
Kathy S :
The worst advice I’ve heard is to find something you’re passionate about. Terrible advice. Find something you love that you can ALSO make money at. You can’t live on passion
2024-01-31 05:19:25
emily✨ :
Social media jobs!!! A lot of companies are hiring right now! I'm also a communications major and speak the same languages as you and this has worked!
2024-01-31 03:38:21
Futuredrrae :
You remind me of this girl I knew in college. She had so much anxiety because she felt like as a first gen it was all up to her. 🥺🥺
2024-02-16 14:06:04
kluska :
I understand you so much!! They told me since I was a child that if you have good grades and studies, you will be successful and earn well. but unfortunately this is not true:))
2024-02-05 21:48:52
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