@lilss_grwm: one thing about me is that i will change my pfp 100 times on all socials— anyway i love you guys so much and i am so grateful that my yapping found purpose AHAHA. when i first made this account i would not post talking videos because people irl have told me since a kid that i talk to much, told me to calm down, or asked what im “on”, called me annoying, etc so it made me insecure that people on the internet would do the same. but my account didnt start to see big growth until i started showing my two biggest insecurities: a rambling personality and acne. when i embraced those two things i felt sm better about myself and also gained so many followers and friends. moral is to always be yourself, and in return you will attract what is meant for you and things that slign with who you truly are. love you guys<3