@careercoachchloe: 💡Where do you see yourself in the future? 🙃 No-one knows where we’re going to be in ‘the future’, but what you hope, is that you’re taking the steps to work towards your career aspirations, sticking to your values and continuing to invest in getting to where you want to be. Here is a script on how to answer this question: ⬇️ “When I think about the future of my career, what that looks like for me is being an X in the X space. As long as I’m to on a path that leads me to that point, while doing work that align with my values, that’s where I want to be. When I think about the role with you here as an X, this is a direct step to get me to the next point of my career vision.” 🙌🏻 Looking for some 1:1 interview coaching? DM me for more information. #careercoach #careeradvice #interviews #interviewtips #interviewquestions