@hollsflorence: Once I leveled up my portfolio, I started seeing major success ✨ Your portfolio is what forms the first impression with brands. It showcases your best work, and what makes you special as a creator. Having an impressive portfolio builds trustworthiness, builds professionalism, social proof, and will have brands literally chasing after you! Don’t have a portfolio? I’ve done the work for you and created a UGC Portfolio template so you can save time and start pitching to brands 🥰 ✨ Template is in the link in my bio ✨ #contentcreatortips #ugc #ugccreator #ugccommunity #ugccontent #ugcexample #ugccontentcreator #ugctips #highqualityvideos #contenttips #ugcadvice #ugcportfolio #ugctipsforbeginners #ugccreatorsneeded #digitalmarketing #ugcvideo #ugcjourney #brandsthatworkwithsmallcreators #prbrands #brandemails #ugcportfoliotemplate #portfoliotemplate